Intel iris plus
Intel iris plus

intel iris plus

Note: The benchmark scores of the listed graphics processors are averages measured across various devices with these processors. You can take a look at Iris Plus G7 gameplay videos in the Reviews, Q&A, and Videos section below. As for hard-core AAA games, the Iris Plus G7 is generally capable of running them on low in-game graphics detail settings and resolutions. Just like the lower-end Nvidia GeForce MX video cards.

intel iris plus

Many of the popular games can run even on the very basic and widely used Intel UHD graphics, while the Iris Plus G7 delivers noticeable improvement in gameplay smoothness. And, it can do it more smoothly than other integrated graphics processors. But, they all still lag a lot behind the full-blown gaming laptop video cards like the Nvidia GeForce GTX series.Īlthough the Intel Iris Plus G7 can be generally rated as a low-end graphics processor, it can run many of the most played PC games. It’s also comparable to the AMD Vega 10 integrated graphics, which is a direct competitor to the Iris Plus G7. The Iris Plus G7 performs similarly to entry-level dedicated video cards, such as the Nvidia GeForce MX series. The Intel Iris Plus G7 is clearly faster than its Iris Plus G4, UHD G1, and UHD relatives used in the 10th Gen Intel Core processors. Here’s a benchmark score of the Intel Iris Plus G7 compared to other widely used graphics processors for laptops.

intel iris plus

The Iris Plus G7 can be described as an improved entry-level graphics processor.

intel iris plus

The 10th Gen Intel Core lineup also includes the Core U-series processors with Intel UHD graphics featuring 24 execution units.ĭespite their differences, all of the mentioned integrated graphics processors are in the entry-level category. With its 64 execution units, the Intel Iris Plus G7 is faster than the 48-execution unit Iris Plus G4 and 32-execution unit Intel UHD G1, all used in the 10th Gen Intel Core G-series processors. Currently, the most popular processors with the Iris Plus G7 are the 10th Gen Intel Core i7-1065G7 and i5-1035G7. The Intel Iris Plus G7 is the best among integrated graphics processors used in the 10th Gen Intel Core G-series main processors.

Intel iris plus